Today we visited Beaverton Farmer's Market and I got to meet one of my bloggy friends, Cathy from Wives with Knives! Cathy has a booth there and I let her know I was coming on Saturday and would find her and say hello. It was so fun meeting her. She is such a sweetheart! I wish all of you lived closer so we could get together for a great big pot-luck filled with all of your fabulous recipes! Wouldn't that be a blast!
I haven't been to this market in years. There is such a great variety of fresh produce and local items like honey, beef, salmon, flowers, pies, jellies, nuts, and lots more. Oh yes, and some fun music and a great play area for the kids. If you get a chance you should go and check it out!
This is just gorgeous. The sign said it was oregano. (The photo is a bit blurry so you can't quite tell just how pretty it is.)
Mmm. Peppers and heirloom tomatoes! I ate some heirloom tomatoes tossed with olive oil, fresh basil and cracked pepper with my dinner tonight. It was so amazing!
I ended up taking home potatoes, heirloom tomatoes, raspberries, and peaches. I can't wait to go back and pick up some more goodies. Don't you just love summer!

Lovely!! I love farmer's markets of all kinds.
ace - we are diggin'
Everything looks fabulous. You're right, it would be nice to be able to get together and have fun cooking and sharing recipes.
you have an awesome blog!
I think I can stay at the framers market all day long! Such fresh veges, fruits and flowers! How I wish I'm there!
What a terrific farmer's market. Beautiful fresh fruits and veggies! You're absolutely right food is art!
How nice to meet one of your blogging friends, Cathy from Wives with Knives. It would be fun to get together and share recipes and eat wonderful food together!
Hi Kim - It was great to meet you yesterday! Thanks so much for coming by the market. Despite the heat it was a good market day.
your farmers market looks awesome thanks for taking us all along Rebecca
You're SO right - food is art!! It's so colorful, just like flowers, but people just don't photograph food that much - it's not like you have to comb its hair or make it go potty ahead of time - duhhh. GREAT job - love the pics, and can't wait to find out what you do with the goodies.
I made the Trailblazin' Muffins yesterday and they're being scarfed down! My son (who doesn't eat meat but won't call himself a vegetarian) is even eating the heck out of them. That's a keeper over here! YUMMMM.
I cannot get over your amazing pictures! Yes, food IS art! I would love to go to your farmer's market someday... Dreamy! Lori
How were the raspberries???
The farmer's market looks like such great a place! Our farmers market is set up in the JcPenny parking lot...not to exciting! I just noticed your great header!
That's it. I'm moving to Oregon. Any houses for sale in your 'hood??? You're are definitely trying to lure me in with the pictures of the market...I'm such a sucker for farmer's markets ;)
How fun to meet Cathy. It looks like a wonderful farmer's market!
What a great day! That market is fab and what fun to meet up with another food blogger.
Great pictures! Farmer's markets are one of my favorite things about summer, too--
I love markets so much, thank you so much for sharing!
How wonderful that you were able to meet Cathy. The photos of the market are wonderful. It looks like a great way to spend a Saturday.
Everything looks so yummy! I wish we had something like that closer!
Hope you have a great Sunday!
Visiting from SITS...the farmers market looks lovely...off to check out the rest of your blog! ;)
Always, Sarah Elizabeth
I love Farmer's markets - all the gorgeous, fresh things available! It's great cooking inspiration!
That is a gorgeous farmer's market!
I agree, a potluck with a bunch of foodies would be so much fun! I love farmers markets!
It looks great and so do you my sweet! What a cute picture.
That market looks like a lot of fun and yummy too!
How fun that you got to meet Cathy! This looks like a lot of fun! I love the stacks of veggies too, I could spend all day there!
I LOVE summer and farmers' market....veggies.....YES
I love memes..I just hopped over and joined in!
Anyway, I've been thinking of goin to this Sunday market which is around 2 hours away from us I still haven't found time and company to do it. Nice photos you have there..
What a great farmer's market! Everything looks so wonderful! We went to one on Saturday but it was underwhelming to say the least!
Hope you had a wonderful Sunday!
I found you through "Wives with Knives". Isn't it fun to meet a fellow blogger? I just did and will meet another one in a few weeks. You have a wonderful blog. I'll be back.
I love the Farmer's Market. I go every Saturday that I am home. I bring home lots of fruits since I grow a lot of veggies. I will buy some tomatoes since mine aren't ready...our family loves BLT's.
What a great farmer's market they have up in Beaverton. I love those yellow raspberries! Thanks so much for swinging by my blog on my Sits Day last week:-)
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