Thursday was the last day to get in on some local strawberry picking. The kids and I headed on over to Albeke Farms and filled our bucket with warm, sweet berry goodness.

My son and I spotted these adorable sleeping kitties at the farm. Of course, he wanted to take all of them home!

First I washed and hulled my strawberries. Then I hopped over to Canning Jars Etc. to gather some safety information before I started on my yummy jam.

Then, I put on my apron, rolled up my sleeves, turn up my Ipod and got to work.
This is what I used for my jam:
- 6 pints of strawberries
- 4 cups sugar
- 1/3 cup lemon juice
- 1 package of pectin

Just look at this mess! I wish I had some of those Brawny paper towels right now, or even better, I wish that Mr. Clean guy would come over and clean my mess for me.
I really had a fun time making my jam. We had some on toasted Oregon Hazelnut bread with our breakfast this morning and it was fabulous! I think I'm ready for veggies next.
I also wanted to send out a great big thank-you for three lovely awards I recently received.

Thanks to Kathy from Three on Food! I love reading all of your Yummy recipes!

Thanks to Krista from Krista's Kitchen, one of my new found favorite foodie blogs!
~Strawberry Jam is Good~

The best part of summer was when mom made homemade strawberry or raspberry jams! Great job - I'm going to try that next year.
I have always wanted to make my own jam.... MAybe I will now!:) Lori
I adore jam. Got some fresh rasberry last week! I really want to try to make it when I can find the time!
Looks yummy! Piece of cake right?
I love strawberry jam but have never tried to make it. Yours looks so good!
You already have this award, but I nominated your anyway.
Your jam looks so yummy! You make me want to can again. Congrat's for your awards
Super looking jam! I want to make some too!
Lucky you to get some fun awards and those sleeping kitties make me want to cuddle up with them. Wonder if they'd want to come to my house???
The Jam looks beutiful.
Look at all those lovely fresh strawberries. Yum!!! I'd love to have me some of that. Plus a wonderful supply of jam. Pass the toast please.
Congrats on the award, too.
Thank you SO much for your very kind words!
ps I just love those cat's, I'd want to take them home too!xx
Your strawberry jam looks fantastic. It will taste oh so good this winter when fresh berries are just a memory.
And congrats on your well deserved awards. You have a terrific blog.
I love strawberry picking, and what beautiful berries. This looks so good, and I love to cook with my ipod too!
Strawberry picking is so fun! Your jam looks excellent - nothing beats home-made! Love the kitties!
My Mom and Grandmom and Aunts always made fresh jam and jellies in the summer but I have never tried this myself. I like how you decorated your little jars. Very cute:)
your jam is great I gave you a kreativ blogger award also keep up the good work LOL
Hey Sweetie! I will save The Mystery of Shadow Ranch for your Cutie Pie! Just e-mail me and we can talk about the details.:) Lori toosillysisters@cox.net
Those are very pretty jams...Can I have a bottle?
Homemade strawberry jam is the best! Congrats on your awards!
Well done! Your jam looks so good!!
Congratulations on your awards. You have a terrific blog with good recipes and fun writing. I enjoy coming here.
Love those little fur babies. I'd have to take all home with me too, grins.
ohh Kim! you never cease to amaze me! love the photo collages and the strawberries and the jam! You're the best :)
i love strawberry jam (its my fave) and those kittens are super sweet!
Wow! This looks great! I wish I knew how to can as well! Thanks for the link to the tutorials! :)
Your jam looks lovely. Now you get to carry summer's bounty into the cold months of winter.
So so impressed. I have yet to make my own jam. It is highest on my to do list. Looks fabulous!! I am so envious!
Those little jars are so cute!
Hi Kim! Your jam looks so good. Thanks for the instructions. I have never made any, but I have always wanted to. Did you end up getting a kitten?
Looks good! We made strawberry jam a couple weeks ago as well, and can't get enough of it. :)
I did a similar thing with some cherries hubby brought home, and made a mess...stains everywhere!
He would love the strawberries like this too!
Looks great!
If you have room in your freezer and more strawberries, I did a strawberry freezer jam last year that was (and still is) amazing!
I love homemade strawberry jam! Yours looks perfect. I especially like your little fabric toppers. Very cute!
That looks soo good! I need to make some!
Your jam jars look adorable!
What a nice award! And if I must say so WHAT great looking JAM! I can say I have made jam too. Although not as good looking as your finished product.
Your jam look nummy!! And oh my goodness...the kittens, we probably wouldn't have been able to leave w/out my daughter sneaking one home in her pocket or something! Congrats on your awards (luv that first one!!)
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