This week I am participating in Chick Chat hosted by 3 Bay B Chicks. I realize that I sound like a Valley Girl. It really can't be helped, I was a teen in the 80's! And yes, I do know that I repeat myself and say Um and Uh about 334 times during the video.
I'm actually thinking of jetting off to Hollywood. I'm feeling really good about it. Maybe I could play Johnny Depp's love interest in his next movie! ;0)
Here is a list of the other fabulous participants in this weeks Chat.
Jenny from Jiggety Jigg
Jo from The A-Priori Mommy
Denise from There's Always Room for One More
Heidi from Sacred and Profane
It was good for me to step out of my comfort zone and do this video. Thanks for watching!
Tune in tomorrow if you have a chance. I have a nice Manicotti recipe to share.
~Chick Chat is Good~

I just LOVED your video, you are the sweetest thing.
I can tell you your profile pic does not do you justice, honey, get a close up pic ... pronto!
It's finally nice to put a face to a name. ;-)
Great interview. You did very well. Don't worry I tend to get the same sometimes in terms of um's and uh's. It's a nice to get to know you a little better.
Ha ha, thanks for a good laugh, though you do not sound as bad as you think!
Your chick chat sounds like a lot of fun. I've never chatted in this form. I think I would be quite nervous. I don't even like to talk on the phone much.
You and your cooking are an inspiration to us all, Kim. Wow! Anytime you are available, my kitchen would welcome you with open arms! :)
So, so great to see you on camera. Thanks a ton for playing along.
This Chick Chat is good...will wait for the manicotti too
Help me, Kim!! I was so looking forward to your Chick Chat. It plays just fine, but your background music is drowning you out. You look fabulous but I can't hear you :( How do I turn off the background music from your blog that I usually enjoy so much?
Tee Hee!! Wow- a voice to the page! Loved it :D
When I grow up, I wanna be just like you... :)
My hubby's schedule is nutty, so I'm not able to have a 'set' dinner time (though I'd love to). I think when school starts I might do what you do - feed myself and Princess Nagger at a 'normal' time, then just feed hubby later. ;)
Looking forward to the Manicotti recipe tomorrow! :)
Followed just for manicotti tomorrow! :-)
My kitchen approach is a bit like yours. I like to have dinner on the table between 5 & 6 and if hubs is not home yet, I keep him a plate warm. We eat out less now with a child, just because it's so much easier to eat at home to be realistic. Great Chick Chat!
Great video! Very nice to meet you and thanks for the kind thoughts on my video. :)
I loved your video! You are so cute, make that gorgeous, in person! I can't figure out how you stay so thin making all that good food... I do waaay too much sampling.
Lookin' forward to the manicotti recipe!
Hi sweetie, great job and I loved hearing about your warm kitchen. Please save some extra for me and I'll be over soon.
Wow, Kim, your video is fantastic. You've got talent, girl. Seeing and hearing you makes your blog come alive. What a terrific idea. I think I would be totally tongue tied if I tried it.
Loved seeing you! Love Chick Chat!
You have inspired me. I really do love to cook, but I hate making that decision about what to cook. I also love involving my kids in the preparation (and the clean up....)
I think you did a great job with your video. Don't stress.
Very cool! I think you did great!
cool! now we need a 'dude chat' and its nice to see who it is that does all the typing....
My goodness! I'm ditchin' my family and comin to your place for dinner! :-)
You look great!
I wish you lived closer. You could help me SO much.
I LOVE CHICK CHAT, and forgot about it until you just reminded me...I feel so unfaithful! I will have to do it, but I need to learn how to download the are so fun!
What fun!! I especially liked the fact that now I can really put a face with your name. You sound very organized with your cooking. Although, I could already tell that just from reading your blog. Good job.
This was so fun, and you sounded great! It's fun to get to know my foodie friends better!
Wow! What a fun adventure! Great work!
Sounds fun :D
Kim, you are as lovely as you are a great cooker! What a fun fun video to see a blogging friend live and in person. I definitely could see you as the next love interest for Johnny Depp. He'll be asking you for your autograph!
You and Johnny Depp could do a movie about cooking!!!
You did a great job with this! I loved getting to know you better and hearing your voice!
Great job! Has Depp called you yet?
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